Saturday, May 17, 2014

Some Stuff About Me

I was tagged on Facebook several months ago to write 14 things about myself. I have lots of friends who don't use facebook and because I keep this blog for my children and my posterity, I thought I'd re-record it here:)

1. My brothers and sisters are my best friends in the whole world. We truly love each other and I cherish my relationship with each one of them. 

2.I talk to my mom on the phone every single day. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. I love her:)

3. When I was a teenager I was stung by a jellyfish while I was swimming at the beach. It hurt so bad and I cried like a baby!

4. I love tying an apron around my waist and getting to work by preparing a healthy, made from scratch meal for my family, or a loaf of bread, pancakes, cookies, whatever.

5. When I got married I had the sudden urge to "domesticate" myself. I taught myself to sew, crochet, and knit. My Aunt Susan got me started on knitting and I'll be forever grateful:)

6. I make and use homemade deodorant, lip balm, and shampoo and conditioner (no poo method). I really want to learn how to make bar soap.

7. Someday I WILL live in the country, keep bees and raise chickens, cows, and sheep. I can't wait!

8. I have been looking for a spinning wheel for the last 5ish years because I REALLY want to learn to spin wool into yarn.

9. This may not come as a surprise (wink!) but I LOVE having babies. I love the last 3-4 months of pregnancy and I wish I could do the 3rd trimester (birth and everything!) over and over. I want a newborn in my home forever.

10. Speaking of having babies, I really don't like when people ask me if I'm going to be "done any time soon". I LOVE being a mom and having little children. God has given me a body that has the ability to conceive and bear children. I feel very lucky to have such a gift and do not take it for granted. I won't be done having babies any time soon as surely as I won't be finished breathing any time soon.

11. I kind of wish my kids didn't love school so much. I miss them when they're at school and I count down the hours until they're home. I would homeschool them in a heartbeat if they expressed any interest whatsoever.

12. I fell and chipped my tooth when I was 11 or 12. I looked exactly like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber and was absolutely horrified. My mom took me to the dentist the very next day and he patched it right up. I vividly remember the feeling of air hitting the exposed nerves in my teeth and sometimes I still dream that the little corner patch falls out and I can feel the pain from the air hitting the nerves AND the horror of looking like Lloyd's little sister.

13. I have always been super shy, something I've always really disliked about myself. I try really hard to pretend I'm not and sometimes I'm able to pull it off. Other times I'm not so successful and I'm afraid people think I'm snobby. When I was in highschool people told me all the time that they thought I was stuck up when they first met me and then realized I was actually nice as they got to know me. That always bothered me! I don't want anyone to ever think I'm being snobby.

14. I am not publicly mushy about my husband but in actuality I'm a mushy gushy mess when it comes to him and our relationship! I love him immensely. He is such a great dad and a hard worker. I love being with him and I want to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with him. I absolutely hate when he leaves for work and I'm elated when he comes home. I love, love, love that man and our family and our life together.


  1. I love your top banner with the kids! And learning a little more about you. You are such a fun and loving mom! And Matthew is just as handsome in the flowers as he is in the grass :)

  2. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS POST! Katie, I love you so much and I'm so glad we're sisters. I'll never stop saying that so I hope you never get sick of it. Haha. The pictures made me miss you all so much. Also, I'm with Jamie, the top banner is adorable.
